Bold longevity research. Fast.

34M USD deployed for aging science and clinical trials

~1% of donations spent on overhead

3 weeks average time from submission to decision

Impetus Grants provides funding for scientists to start working on what they consider the most important problems in aging biology, without delay. Such work should not be held up by red tape: we offer grants of up to $500k, with decisions made within 3 weeks. Our review process asks "what's the potential for impact" rather than "could this go wrong".

Our goal is to have a broad impact on the field, by supporting projects that challenge assumptions, develop new tools and methodologies, discover new ways to reverse aging processes, and/or synthesize isolated manifestations of aging into a systemic perspective. To ensure that we learn from every project, we’re organizing a special issue of GeroScience to provide an opportunity to publish both positive and negative results from funded studies.

Round 3 is now closed.

Highlights: Impetus-funded projects

People behind Impetus Grants

  • Lada Nuzhna

    Program director

  • Dr Martin Borch Jensen

    Conceived of the program. Founder of Gordian.

  • Juan Benet

    Founding donor. Founder of Protocol Labs.

  • Robert Rosenkranz

    Donor. Chairman of Delphi Capital Management.

  • Hevolution Foundation


  • Dr Adam Freund

    Core reviewer

    Founder of Arda Therapeutics


  • Dr Matt Kaeberlein

    Core reviewer

    Founder of Ora Biomedical, Dog Aging Project

    Professor at University of Washington

  • Vitalik Buterin

    Donor. Creator of Ethereum.

  • Fred Ehrsam

    Donor. Founder of Coinbase.

  • Michael Antonov

    Donor. Founder of Oculus VR and Formic Ventures.

  • James Fickel

    Donor. Longevity investor and philantropist.

  • Jed McCaleb

    Donor. Founder of startups Vast, Stellar, and Ripple.

  • Karl Pfleger

    Donor. Longevity investor and philanthropist.

  • Molly Mackinlay


  • Feruell


Our scientific reviewers are anonymous to avoid interference with the review process, but this would not have been possible without them.